Frequently Asked Questions
What is Christian Counseling?
Christian counseling represents an integration of professional counseling methods with Biblical truths and principles. It recognizes the role of the Holy Spirit in emotional healing and encourages the development of a closer relationship with God as well as with others. What is Christian Counseling versus Secular Counseling?
What if I’m not a Christian?
Everyone is welcome. Our counselors meet people wherever they are in their life journeys.
Can I be seen after work?
Our hours are flexible, and evening appointments are available.
Do I need a referral from my doctor to be seen at your Center?
No, simply call and speak to a counselor. He or she will assist you in making an appointment. Most appointments are scheduled for meeting at the Morganton location with a limited schedule available in Rutherford College.
How can I help support the Center?
Keep us in your daily prayers.
As you meet people at your workplace, church, or community who are seeking counseling, refer them to Mimosa Christian Counseling Center.
Request that your church and/or civic organization include us in its annual budget.
Consider making a personal tax-deductible gift to Mimosa Christian Counseling Center, either through Paypal with the donate button below, or by mail.